Sunday, May 10, 2020

My Mother's Day Prayer

My prayer is that your children will be able to live out all the days of their lives. They will be able to live out their purpose and destinies in which they were born for. They will be able to soar beyond measure and accomplish great things. My prayer is that others will be impacted by the treasure which is inside of them. My prayer is that they will touch the hearts of others as if they had been touched by God himself. My prayer is that their enemy, that devil, the serpent, the father of lies, the stealer, killer and destroyer of life, will be dealt with and be judged one day by the “Just Judge”
This is my prayer. This is my hope. As people, as humans, as parents, we must remember we have an enemy who seeks those whom he can devour. Hate eats away of the very soul of a person. It undermines the purpose that lives in every one of us. It contaminates our soul and puts a choke hold on our very hearts.
I know this blog post sounds a little heavy but it’s heavy because of recent news of yet another young black man being gunned down.  It was another senseless act of hate. Future cut short. Dreams cut short. A
future cut short. A mother’s vision for her sons’ life cut short.

Mother’s Day for Ahmaud’s mother has changed drastically. Sometimes when these things happen and how they are handled, you know what the motivation behind them is. Hate. Let me be clear. I am not saying if you do the crime you shouldn’t do the time. What I am saying is that if you do the crime, the punishment should fit it. All people should be treated with the same measure of the law. On top of that, the law states you are innocent until proven guilty. If you didn’t do any crime then what are we talking about. Exactly!
This brings me to why this Mother’s Day post may be heavier than most. As a mother with three sons who are black, I was heartbroken when news broke about the death of Ahmaud Arbury.  Ahmaud Arbery, a 25 year old who was simply taking a run and minding his own business was ambushed and killed in Georgia this past February. I know, it’s May and most of the world is just getting wind of it.
The problem with this story is it is not a unique one. That’s the problem. We have all heard and seen, time and time again of these types of incidents. Each one different while the underlining theme is the same. Hate. A black young man, or black young woman who left here too soon. Whether it was the police or someone outside the police department who commits the act. They are still gone too soon.

My prayer for mothers is that you hold your children close always warring for them in prayer. You are their first teacher so teach them well. When they decide to strike out on their own and ‘do them’ continue to cover them in prayer. When you can’t be with them day to day continue to call out their names in prayer.
If you don’t hear it often, thank you.
Thank you for all the late nights you stayed up, the homework you helped with, the open houses you visited, the school orientations, the doctor visits, the participation in extra-curriculum activities you attended, and all the fun outings. Thank you for ironing clothes, washing extra dishes, going on extra store runs, preparing meals, being a problem solver and all the ways you provided. Thank you for seeing potential in them, for speaking life into them, for being there day in and day out. Thank you for smiling when you didn’t feel like it. Thank you for loving them when they did things they shouldn’t have. Most of all thank you for loving them.
So to Ahmaud Arbery’s mom, I would just like to say my condolences and as he would have said, Happy Mother’s Day.

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